Case Studies//AV services on legendary Mackinac Island

Today, we found ourselves sailing the seven seas! OKAY, it wasn't quite the actual ocean, but the ferry trip across Lake Huron to Mackinaw Island was only part of the adventure to provide av services for Rotary International's Annual Conference.
Mackinaw Island is a place “outside of the modern world” where all motorized vehicles are strictly prohibited. The event was held at the historic Grand Hotel, a gilded-age resort perched high upon a great hill, and we docked on shore at the very bottom of it! How would we get our equipment up the arduous slope without a single automobile in sight?
Fortunately, the “horsepower” we needed came as actual horse-drawn carts picking up our road cases and delivering them only a few steps from the main theater.
Once inside, PMMG worked hard to prepare everything for the next morning's opening ceremony. Our tasks included verifying high-speed internet connections because we would be hosting several VIP speakers remotely, including the President of Rotary International.
To ensure our remote speakers are fully connected to the experience, we provide them a discrete audio and video feed of the room so they can see and hear how the audience is reacting. It's almost as if they were transported to the event through the computer screen.
It's amazing how one day, we're re-living the past, traveling via horse and buggy, yet the very next day, we're using hybrid event technology to connect with people on Zoom from as far away as Africa! After three days of hearing about the inspiring work Rotary International does worldwide, it was time to rejoin the modern world, leaving the past in the past.
To find out how PMMG can make your corporate seminar a success, contact us today!